The Board of Directors oversees Ambev’s executive officers. The Board of Directors is currently comprised of eleven effective members and two alternate members, and provides the overall strategic direction of Ambev. Directors are elected at general shareholders’ meetings for a three-year term, re-election being permitted. Day-to-day management is delegated to the executive officers of Ambev. The Board of Directors appoints executive officers for a three-year term, re-election being permitted, ensuring that the company’s values, ethics and culture are practiced and spread among the employees.
They use their extensive knowledge of the business to ensure that Ambev reaches its long-term goals and maintains its short-term competitiveness. Moreover, the Board of Directors ensures that Ambev pursues its short-term business goals without compromising our long-term growth, while at the same time ensuring that Ambev’s corporate values are practiced.
Aiming at ensuring a greater independence and autonomy among the main Governance bodies, no director exercises an executive office in the Company, despite all of them being shareholders. The Company’s Chairmen of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer are separate positions held by different people.
The Board of Directors evaluates constantly their performance and internal procedures. The Board of Directors and Executive Officers are evaluated annually based on objective results targets associated to the Company’s performance, and this evaluation is used to verify their right to variable compensation.
Find below the members of our Board of Directors:
Name | Office | End of Term |
Michel Dimitrios Doukeris | Chairman and Director | 2026 |
Victorio Carlos De Marchi | Member of the Board of Directors | 2026 |
Lia Machado de Matos | Member of the Board of Directors | 2026 |
Fernando Tennenbaum | Member of the Board of Directors | 2026 |
Fabio Colletti Barbosa | Member of the Board of Directors | 2026 |
Milton Seligman | Member of the Board of Directors | 2026 |
Nelson José Jamel | Member of the Board of Directors | 2026 |
Ricardo Manuel Frangatos Pires Moreira | Member of the Board of Directors | 2026 |
Claudia Quintella Woods | Member of the Board of Directors (Independent) | 2026 |
Marcos de Barros Lisboa | Member of the Board of Directors (Lead Independent Member) | 2026 |
Luciana Pires Dias | Member of the Board of Directors (Independent) | 2026 |
Ricardo Tadeu Almeida Cabral de Soares | Member of the Board of Directors (Alternate) | 2026 |
David Henrique Galatro de Almeida | Member of the Board of Directors (Alternate) | 2026 |
(1) Annual General Meeting to be held in 2026.
(2) Lead Independent Member: exercises the role of a representative of the independent members of the Board of Directors, being an important point of contact between the Board of Directors and external investors.
The Executive Board of Officers is integrated by the Chief Executive Officer and 12 other officers, with a three year term of office, reelection being permitted. They are experienced professionals, know the market where the Company acts, and are on average more than ten years in the company. The Executive Board of Officers is responsible for managing Ambev’s businesses and submitting proposals for medium term and long term planning to the Board of Directors.
Name | Office |
Carlos Eduardo Klutzenschell Lisboa | Chief Executive Officer |
Lucas Lira | Chief Financial, Investor Relations and Shared Services Officer |
Eduardo Braga Cavalcanti de Lacerda | Commercial Vice President Officer |
Ricardo Morais Pereira de Melo | People and Management Vice President Officer |
Valdecir Duarte | Industrial Vice President Officer |
Eduardo Eiji Horai | Information Technology Vice President Officer |
Carla Crippa | Corporate Affairs Vice President Officer |
Felipe Moreira Haddad Baruque | Procurement Vice President Officer |
Paulo André Zagman | Logistics Vice President Officer |
Leticia Rudge Barbosa Kina | Legal and Compliance Vice President Officer |
João Coelho Rua Derbli de Carvalho | Sales Vice President Officer |
Daniel Wakswaser Cordeiro | Marketing Vice President Officer |
Daniela Gavranic Cachich | Beyond Beer Vice President Officer |
Click on the names to have more information about each officer.